Friday, October 24, 2008

Savin' some green

I went out the other day and bought a new cord for my camera. And it didn't work either, but it is a multi corded USB I can use with everything from my phone to computer. I then reinstalled the software that came with the camera on my computer. Didn't work either. So that means something is wrong with the camera itself. Instead of trying to figure it out, I decided I need to buy a new camera. So I started looking. I just couldn't decide! I'm so picky when it comes to things like that.

Then I had to go to Office Depot today because my Mom needed ink for her fax machine at work. I don't know if it's like this at all Office Depot stores, but they have crates full of last minute buy items set up in front of the registers to form the space to make a line. And I spotted it. A multimedia card reader. This baby reads SD, xd, mini's and just about any other digi card. It was $19.99. But knowing that Office Depot can be pretty expensive, I went home to surf the internet.

My first stop: They had some of the same stuff, but either around the same price and some a little more. I instantly became discouraged because Wally World is usually the cheapest. (Yes, I know it's also big bad walmart, but when you're a penny pincher it's the way to go). So I check They had about the same stuff as Walmart. Then I saw one for $14.99. Hey! $5 cheaper works for me. So I head back to the mall.

When I got to Target, it took me FOREVER to find what I was looking for. Of course, it was on the counter next to the register. I'm very excited to find it and fight the urge to do a happy Rosie dance in the middle of the store. Then I look right below it. It is a single SD card reader...exactly what I need since it's the only kind of digi card I use. And the price....$4.99! This time I couldn't fight the dance and did a mini one with an added "freakin' awesome". So instead of spending between $150-$400 (can you tell how undecided I was hahahaha) I spent $5. YAY ME.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School's In

YAY! I got the instructional assistant job! This has been in the works for almost a month now. I go in tomorrow for new hire paperwork and fingerprinting then start on Thursday. Not to mention I get to work with one of my best friends. So excited! Just had to share :-)


Edit: I had to change teacher's assistant to instructional assistant. When I went to HR the lady got mad at me because I kept saying teacher's assistant instead of instructional assistant. I'm so sorry! Don't have to get mad at me...correct me and go on lady. No need for anger up in Rosie's house LOL

Friday, October 17, 2008

Goodbye Xanga, Hello Blogger!

So I've always been a Xanga girl. But as I have aged, most of my friends whom I've shared my Xanga with stopped blogging. Or reading blogs. So I found it slightly pointless to blog to myself. Then I tried to blog on MySpace. Nearly as pointless as Xanga. Now my dear friend I Be Ms. P has started one here. So I decided if she is going to try it, so will I! I've missed blogging. Pouring out my mostly meaningless thoughts to any who will listen. And you'll also have lots of pictures to look forward to. Which I tried to do today. I went to the store and picked up new batteries for my camera since, of course, I can't find my rechargeables, and I went picture happy. I then searched my house for the cord to hook my camera to my computer and gueeeeesssss what! The cord is broken! Doesn't work. Blah. Now I have to buy a new one which just irrrrrks me. So here are a couple pics that are only a few months old. Not the fabulous Halloween/October ones I took today, but fabulous nonetheless... :-)

This is my cat U1. He's being a bad kitty and attacking the paper towels.

This is my sweetie Kiki. She is about 2 years old and WAY to big to be trying to fit in this lil ol' thing. I love how she knocked everything out of it and is trying to look innocent.

And this big lug is Guyver. What a lazy kitty <3>

These two pics are of my niece Kyla (13 years old next month!). This is how I spend most of my weekends, taking pics and watching her cheer at her games. Then we go out to eat and stuff ourselves silly <3>